Councillor for Ward 12 - Ancaster & West Flamborough

Click on the links below to learn more about the project and how you can provide feedback to the developer and City planning staff.
Points to consider when writing:
How will the development impact your neighbourhood?
Are there positive aspects that you appreciate and would like to see more of?
How will it impact the natural environment?
Will Green Development Standards be utilized in the construction?
If it's for housing, will there be Family-Friendly Housing units ( ideally 3 bedroom) included?
Will affordable units or purpose-built rental units be included?

140 and 164 Sulphur Springs Road
To add an additional three lots to the existing two already on the property for a total of five lots. ​
The zoning changes and extra lots were decided via settlement at the Ontario Land Tribunal on August 22, 2024. ​

210 Calvin Street​
Appealed to the OLT July 2024
To permit 72 townhouse units, and a medium density block with up to 30 units, in the centre of the site that front onto a private road.
Read the latest updates and find out how to be part of the OLT hearing HERE.​

448 Book Road East Industrial Warehouse
To permit a four block industrial warehouse complex​​​.
Link to documents, staff comments, environmental and other studies is HERE
Statutory Public Meeting at the City of Hamilton Planning Commitee: May 23, 2025.

442-446 Wilson Street East ​
former Brandon House property
Application for:
A seven storey mixed-use building consisting of 158 dwelling units
121 parking stalls both at surface and below grade
Ontario Land Tribunal decision HERE.​

509 Southcote Road
Appealed to OLT July 17, 2023​
​Link to OLT case details HERE
Link to project website HERE
​A community meeting was held Wednesday, March 29 at 6 - 7:30 pm.
The City and owner of 509 Southcote reached a settlement in January 2025
Permission is granted for 59 three-storey street townhouse dwellings arranged in 10 blocks fronting onto a private condominium road.
Only four out of a total of 376 live trees on site will be preserved. Unfortunately, years ago, the City had zoned this area for residential development and not as a core (natural) area, so there was no defense available to the City to preserve the mature trees on this lot.
More than the required minimum number of parking spaces will be provided to reduce the chances of parking spill-over on neighbouring streets.​

Highgate Residence 299, 307 & 325 Fiddlers Green Road
Expansion of the Highgate Retirement Home Residence to develop a three storey retirement home with 56 units and 71 parking spaces with access from Fiddlers Green Road.​​
Link to the concept plan is HERE
Notice of Complete Application is HERE ​
An in-person community meeting was held at the existing Highgate Residence building at 325 Fiddlers Green Road​.

559 Garner Road East
To develop a seven storey building containing 99 residential units. There will be 338 m2 of ground floor amenity area as well as an outdoor seating area. The proposed development will be serviced by 16 ground level parking spaces and two levels of below grade parking with 148 parking spaces.
​Link to project website HERE.
Tree inventory HERE.
​Email comments to:

140 Wilson Street West
The proposal is for a three-storey multiple dwelling containing nine dwelling units, fronting on Wilson Street.
This application was heard on June 13, 2023 at the Planning Committee. Staff recommend approval and notices were mailed out to property owners within 120 meters of the site on May 26.
Questions can be directed to City Planner Tim.Vrooman@hamilton.ca

154 Wilson Street East
This development is for 17, three storey townhouse dwellings on a private (condominium) road providing two parking spaces per unit.

335 Wilson Street East
Application phase.
This proposal is for a mixed use building with two commercial units at ground level and five residential units on the second and third storeys.

305 Garner Road West
Development phase
The development consists of 118 townhouse units, 236 resident parking spaces (within driveways and garages) and 31 visitor parking spaces.

This proposal by Edmonton pension fund administrator AIMCo is to build a 1.3 million square foot warehouse complex on the headwater marsh and surrounding farmland to the south of 254 Garner Road East. ​​
A second request for a permit to move the marsh is currently before the Hamilton Conservation Authority. In the past the HCA denied AIMCo's permit request, prompting the applicant to appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal. That appeal was withdrawn late in 2024 and a new application has been submitted to the HCA.​​
For more information visit www.SaveOurStreams.org

15 Church Street
Six 3 storey townhomes arranged into two separate buildings.
Further information can be found on the developer's website HERE.

179 Wilson Street West
Application phase.
Belle' Ville Ancaster: a 6-block, 3-storey condominium townhouse development

153 Wilson Street East
Application phase.
To construct a three storey 76 unit condo apartment building with both underground and ground level parking.

30 Queen Street
Construction phase.
To construct 8 two storey condo units.

111 and 115 Fiddlers Green
A two storey mixed use building with six dwelling units, a ground floor commercial area of 538.4 square metres, and 28 surface parking spaces. ​​

125 Wilson St. East/ 130 Dalley Drive
​Approved by the Ontario Municipal Board in 2018
For a three storey multiple dwelling building containing 19 dwelling units.
There will be a combination of underground and surface parking and a total of 38 parking spaces will be on site.
Link to project site is HERE.